Gather materials
2 pieces of 6” x 9” cotton fabric and 2 pieces of 1/4” thick ribbon, 25” long
Line up ribbon over one piece of fabric, about 1/4” from the top
I like to fold over the end for more to catch when sewing
Put second piece of fabric over top and pin through ribbon and both fabric layers
Repeat process for other side
I pin the middle (red pin) for easier sewing
Sew around perimeter, leaving 1.5” opening
Be careful not to sew over the ribbon tails! I like to do a zigzag stitch over the ribbons for a more secure sew. Leave about a 1/4” seam allowance.
Cut the corners
Leave a little flap by the opening. You’ll sew over this seam allowance in the coming steps.
Turn the mask inside out through the hole and iron flat
Make sure the flaps around the opening are facing inside
You’re about to sew over them..
Sew hole closed
Fold and iron 3 pleats
Try to get a final mask “height” of 2” with the pleats
Sew over pleats
Double stitch with a little support at each end works well
Repeat for other side
Cut two, 1/4” slits in each top corner and thread ribbon through
Feed ribbon end through bottom slit from the back, and then out the top slit from the front
Repeat for other side and tie knots at ribbon ends
Back side of the mask shown
Wear mask by putting hoops over ears, pulling UP on the ribbon ends, and then tying behind your head.