

Hello and thanks for checking out my space! My name is Matt and I am a technically inclined maker and artist with roots in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering. The purpose of this website is to collect all of my work into a single space for anyone that wants to see it. It also operates as a time capsule for myself!

I like to say that I operate off of the motto: "lean into it", translating more or less to: at least try a little bit of everything. I embody this, as I hope you see, in my wide range of projects displayed on this website. My artwork manifests in multiple forms: embroidery, sewing, photography, graphic design, woodworking, and kites made from natural materials. Through time, travel, and experience I hope to explore more opportunities to use my knowledge as a Mechanical Engineer to create and inspire.

I am currently located in Oakland, CA. Reach out if you find any of what you see here to be interesting or if you want to collaborate on a project - I hope you do!